DH Knowledge

A data repository on District Heating, especially low temperature DH, in Baltic Sea Region countries and a set of ICT tools to provide actors responsible for energy supply systems with basic knowledge that allows an insight into the necessity of future sustainable DH concepts.


X-tendo and its toolbox aim to provide public authorities and implementing agencies with improved compliance, reliability, usability and convergence of next-generation energy performance assessment and certification.

IRENA Data and Statistics

Comprehensive open-access detailed statistics on renewable energy capacity, power generation and renewable energy balances, collected from member states and published by IRENA.

Guide to District Heating

Knowledge base and Gudiance for Cities and Towns on District Heating developed by the HeatNetNWE Interreg project.

BPIE Knowledge Hub

The BPIE Knowledge Hub is an extensive library of resources for the latest knowledge related to energy performance of buildings.

JRC Publications - EU SCIENCE HUB

EU Sciece Hub with publications of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), providing EU citizens, governments and businesses with free digital access to official information and data from JRC research.

Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE - Low Carbon Priority

Interreg Cental Europe, Low Carbon Priority node on projects, results and publications

EBRD Green Economy Transition Knowledge Hub

The EBRD Green Economy Transition knowledge hub showcases GET-related publications about energy efficiency in the corporate and energy sector, about the EBRD’s Green Economy Finance Facilities, climate change adaptation and the Bank’s climate finance partnerships.

Naturklima - Gipuzkoa Cliate Change foundation Knowledge Hub

Knowledge Hub of Naturklima, the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council's Climate Change Foundation, attached to the Council’s Department of the Environment.

Euroheat - Knowledge Hub

Comprehensive database of resources linked to district heating and cooling, including academic reports & studies, research projects outcomes, market analysis as well as other relevant content to the sector.

Smart Cities Market Place

EU marketplace platform that aims to bring cities, industries, SMEs, investors, researchers and other smart city actors together.

Interreg - EU Regional Development Fund

Interreg Europe helps regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy. We create an environment and opportunities for sharing solutions and policy learning.

ALliance for Deep RENovation in buildings - encouraging investment

ALDERN is the ALliance for Deep RENovation in buildings. encouraging investment and accelerating the movement towards a nearly zero energy non-residential building stock accross the EU.


iBRoad focuses on individual building renovation roadmaps and building logbooks, in support of deep renovations in the residential sector.


Building upon results from a number of relevant European projects, TripleA-reno aims to achieve a set of specific measurable qualitative objectives in the efficient building sector.

Upgrade DH

Database of collection how to uprade district heating networks in Europe

Celsius toolbox about district energy

Knowledge base for district energy

Knowledge Platform for Citizen Engagement

Organizing Engagement is an online publication dedicated to advancing knowledge, understanding, and practice at the intersection of education organizing, engagement, and equity. Our website collects ideas, models, strategies, policies, and research, and then shares them in the form of introductions, interviews, profiles, and other content. Our target group are local leaders, organizers, and practitioners, as well as the many others working in partnership and solidarity with them.

Citizen participation by the Government of the Netherlands

More and more people are taking the initiative to make their local neighbourhood more liveable, for instance by helping to maintain playgrounds or green spaces. As a result, the relationship between government and society is changing. On one page that is part of the website of the government of the Netherlands you can find information about Citizen participation, Government participation, Do-ocracy And links to organisations that can support you.

COMBI Project

Calculating and operationalising the multiple benefits of Energy Efficiency in Europe


The Odyssee database contains detailed energy consumption by end-use and their drivers as well as energy efficiency and CO2 related indicators.


The IEA DHC deals with the design, performance and operation of distribution systems and consumer installations.


The GEORISK project works to establish risk insurance all over Europe and in some key target third countries to cover risks associated with the development and the operation of a deep geothermal plant.

Climate investment fund

The knowledge center offers reports and case studies of finnancing practicies in different topics such as capacity building, stakeholder engament, financing, etc.